Thursday, September 10, 2015

God your comforter

Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. ~ Matthew 11:28 (NIV)

Some of us always have to be in control. We feel like if we're not in control, something will go wrong or we're going to miss something. We all want to feel needed and always being in control helps us feel needed. No matter what the situation good or bad, we worry, we stress, and we do everything in OUR power to fix it. That's part of the problem. The Bible says in Matthew 11:28 to give our burdens to God. What does that mean for you? It means that you don't always have to have it together. You don't have to have the perfect life. You never will. Being in total control can be very tiring. If things are not happening the way you want, you get tired of waiting, and trusting and believing. That's when it's time to let go and give it to God. Especially if it's something you have no control over anyway. I used to worry myself to distraction about issues in my life that I had no control over. Why was I doing that? My worry isn't going to change anything. I finally figured out that I needed to not only pray about it, but surrender it. That means truly releasing it to God and NOT picking it back up. (I'm still working on this part). I hate when I pick it back up. Especially when I didn't even realize that I've done it. I want to smack myself in the forehead like the V8 commercial! 

If you find yourself like me, always trying to be in control, and letting your burdens overpower your thoughts. I want to encourage you that you're not alone. We all struggle with this issue. The great thing about God is that you can surrender it back to Him anytime! You don't have to wait until Sunday. God is always with us. He's forgiving, and He wants to take our burdens. Let Him!  

Friday, September 4, 2015

The Worst Trouble the World Has Ever Seen

It will be a time of trouble, the worst trouble the world has ever seen. But your people will be saved from the trouble, every last one found written in the Book. Many who have been long dead and buried will wake up, some to eternal life, others to eternal shame. ~Daniel 12:2 The Message (MSG)

Things are happening very quickly today. There are many signs and wonders that Jesus is coming back very soon. Our world is in trouble. A lot of trouble. It seems as though everyday we’re hearing about some type of attack. A few weeks ago, it hit really close to my home. A man with a history of mental illness attacked people at a movie theatre. Thankfully, a very observant and perceptive police officer was able to handle the situation. For us Christians, this is a call to action. We need to save as many lives as possible. There are many ways to do that. You don’t just have to be in a pulpit. We’re all the light of God, and it’s our job to let our lights shine as bright as possible to bring people to Christ. This is not a difficult endeavor. All you have to do is live a righteous life. Being righteous doesn’t mean being perfect. It does mean being nice, by being a blessing, be forgiving and being encouraging. There are enough miserable people in this world. Why do you want to be part of that? I know I don’t! I’m going to enjoy this life! I’m also going to save others in the process. Not by my will, but by The Holy Spirit who lives in me. 

The last verse says “many who are long dead and buried will wake up, some to eternal life and others to eternal shame.” Which do you want for the people you love? I want to see my loved ones with me in heaven.