Thursday, January 5, 2012

Giving Back

Happy New Year! 2011 is behind us and it’s time to get ready for all the great things in 2012! This blog is a little different from my normal blogs. During this past holiday season while I was volunteering, I noticed how much the volunteers increased right before Thanksgiving and again right before Christmas. I think that’s wonderful! We see the Salvation Army with their bells and buckets as we walk out of the stores and pretty much everyone drops money in. Now let’s jump ahead a month. Those same people that you served during the holidays are still hungry. They’re still homeless and they still need our help. I need to apologize if I’m offending anyone. What I want you to recognize is helping during the holidays is great. The fact that you took time out of your busy schedule to give back is great! But….. don’t make it just about the holidays. Giving your time, your treasure, and yourself to help people in need is something that should be done all year long. I’m about to be completely transparent right now. My mom was an amazing woman. When I was a teenager- she gave herself to help people less fortunate. She volunteered at a local shelter. She cooked, cleaned, and did whatever they needed. She asked me to go. I didn’t. Being a typical selfish teenager, I thought I had better things to do. My mom didn’t force me to go. Sometimes I wish she had. I started volunteering at The Bridge Ministry almost 2 years ago. What an amazing experience it has been. The first few weeks I cried almost every Tuesday. I cried because it was heartbreaking and I cried because I saw people worshipping God and giving their lives to Him even in the worst situations. It humbled me more than I could have ever imagined. I decided to take my kids down there to volunteer so they could give back. Unlike me, my kids wanted to go, in fact they go whenever their schedule allows. I’m so grateful that they aren’t like I was.  Giving back doesn’t take that much time.  An hour or 2 once a week can make such a difference in someone’s life. Reach inside yourself and give back to our community. That’s why we’re here.


  1. I know exactly what you are saying. I volunteer through Hands on Nashville for Second Harvest food bank. During the the same time period there was a increase of people to help, I even over heard some of the people say "well I've done my deed for the year". Now since it's January and this past Tuesday it was back down to the normal regulars who come each week. To tag your blog if anyone wants to help sort food at Second Harvest, go to and sign up.

    Freda McClendon-posted anonymously

  2. Great Story! And it does make a differents in your life style by helping people in need. Char, i went one time with you and volunteer and it made a differents in my life and i would love to go and help again. Thank you so much for asking me to go the first time. That night i went home and told my husband and my eighteen year old son how that we need to be greatful of what little we have,compare what some families have. Thanks again!

    Love ya,


  3. So true Char! We have to give back. Many people think that they do not have time to volunteer but you would be surprised how much time is freed up once you decide to go for it. And think about the blessing that you get! I love working with the kids at my church - it gives me a lot of joy. Good for you. It warms my heart to see the good you are doing everyday. Blessings, Cath.
