Friday, January 29, 2016

Forgive? The struggle is real

Galatians 6:7-8

Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit will reap eternal life.

Do you feel like you always have to get back at the person who wronged you? Do you have a tough time forgiving? If that’s you, then the above verse should give you a wake-up call. We reap what we sow. Think about everything you did or said yesterday. Was it good or bad? We are reaping and sowing all the time. Good or bad. Makes you think doesn’t it? If you are constantly sowing bitterness, laziness, harshness and unforgiveness, that’s what you will eventually get in return. The verse above says that you will reap destruction. I know I don’t want to find out what that means. Most of us know someone who is negative. They never have anything good or positive to say, they’re always complaining and you never know what mood to expect. They are just miserable. I don’t even like being around people like that, let alone living that kind of life myself.

Choose to be like the second half of the verse. I choose to sow kindness, patience, encouragement and love. This doesn’t mean I’m perfect and I never get upset, believe me I do. Sometimes it takes a while to get to the forgiveness part, but I get there. I will not live a miserable life. I want to please God.

My encouragement for you today is that you sow great things so that you can reap great things. Treat people how you want to be treated. Show them respect. This will please the Spirit. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Let it go... Let it go

Psalm 77:14 (NKJV)
You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples. 

I’m writing this blog from sunny California and being out here has opened my eyes to some of our God’s marvelous works and wonders. In this week’s scripture we talk about our God who does wonders, and gives strength to His people. Los Angeles is a huge city but it’s surrounded by the most incredible mountains I’ve ever seen! When we were flying into LAX. I couldn’t stop smiling and just saying thank you Lord. Why was I thanking Him? Because He created this land and it’s gorgeous! 

So what does God’s wonders and him giving us strength mean to you? I know that there are times when I am weak. I need help. Sometimes it’s very hard to admit that I need help. I don’t want to admit that I can’t handle everything.  Sometimes I feel like I’m letting people down if I show signs of weakness.  Why do we feel this way?  For some of us we feel that we have to always be strong and never show signs of weakness or ask for help. Being a control freak about certain things has not helped. But God has been dealing with me in this regard. First, I’ve seen God do amazing things in my life and for people around me. If He does wonders for them, of course He’ll keep doing them for me!  Second, I know that we’re not meant to fight these battles alone. But I used to try. I have, well we all have the most powerful ally with us whenever we need Him. God declared his strength over us as the verse above states. It means He is with each and every one of us all at the same times and give us strength and courage when we need it. When we are weak, He is strong. When we can’t handle the pressure, He can. He takes all of our burdens if we give them to Him. I had a lot to learn about giving up control. But God has given me His strength, and I accept it. Does it mean that I’m not still a control freak? Nope. I am. But I also have chosen to give the stuff I know I can’t handle to the Lord and not try to be superwoman all the time. That’s exhausting!

My challenge for you is to look at your life and see if you’re trying to control every aspect of it. Are their things you’re holding onto that you need to release to the Lord? If there are, do it. Let it go! Don’t try to take on everything. Use the ally we’ve been blessed with – the Lord! 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year = New You

Psalm 25:15 The Message (MSG)
 If I keep my eyes on God, I won’t trip over my own feet.

Happy New Year!! I love this time of year. The holidays have always been my favorite. My excitement is escalated about the upcoming year. I know that 2016 will be my best year! What am I going to do to make sure of that? I’m getting out of my own way. I am a control freak to some degree. There are certain situations in my life that I’ve wanted total control of and I’m finally ready to do what Psalm 25:15 says and keep my eyes on God. God is my source. He is my plan. He is my everything. I’ve surrendered situations to Him, but then I pick it right back up if it’s not going the way I planned. But right now, I’m tired. I’m tired of going in circles. I’m tired of not having all of the Promises God has for me. I’m ready to stop letting Satan get in my head and I’m tired of believing his lies! I’m not the only one. I have many friends who feel the same way I do. I’m not saying that my life is terrible, because that’s not true at all. In fact I consider myself a blessed woman. But there are things I’m believing God for and I want it!

I encourage to take the same steps. It’s time to leave the past behind. Whatever is going wrong in your life doesn’t have to be permanent. Put your trust in the only one who can help you. Keep your eyes on God and he will do what He promises.

I want to put forth a challenge. When you are making your resolutions and thinking about what you want in the New Year, pray about it. Keep your eyes on God so you don’t trip over your own feet.