Thursday, February 27, 2014

Are You Sabotaging Your Breakthrough?

Praying daily and asking for a breakthrough is something every Christian has done. Many times when we’re in the midst of a crisis is when we cry out to God asking for that breakthrough. We all want a great life free of crisis and bad things. We want great families, career, and health. We expect God to take care of that and we'll never have any issues. But we all know life does not work like that. The bible in fact tells us that we WILL encounter problems. So there will be a time when you need a breakthrough. A lot of times when we’re praying for it – we don’t stop to listen for the answer. Or worse we hear the answer, but don’t listen to our part of it. Yes- OUR PART. If you’ve prayed for something and gotten your answer, there is probably something that God has asked you to do. Are you willing to hear Him AND obey Him? We all WANT the breakthrough; we just don’t necessarily want to put the work in to make it happen.

I have a friend who prayed for a breakthrough in her business. God responded, and He revealed the plan, and in it she had a part. But she didn’t get that part right away. She didn’t realize how crucial her part was in bringing it to pass. Once she obeyed God her breakthrough happened almost overnight. I for one can completely relate to this scenario. In my case, I actually thought I was doing what I was told, but during a sermon it was brought to my attention that I wasn’t. So I prayed about it again, and I listened. Once I did, everything started falling into place.

If you’re waiting for a breakthrough today and you’re wondering why it hasn’t happened. I’m going to challenge you to ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart about what you should be doing. You might already know, and it may be something you don’t want to do, but remember this. God knows what’s best for you; He wouldn’t ask you if it wasn’t necessary to reach your destiny. Take the step and just do it!

“Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it. ~ Luke 11:28