Thursday, October 3, 2013

You can’t talk mediocrity and expect great things.

We all want to be better. At least I hope so. Growth is something that should be continuous in your life. What do you expect from your life? A better job, a bigger house, a nicer car, better relationships, or maybe better health. When you think about your daily thoughts and how they come about do you find yourself always complaining about your life? When you chat with your friends are you positive or is negativity the only thing coming out of your mouth? I really want you to think about this. You’d be surprised how many people say they are positive and upbeat and speaking great things over their lives but whenever you have a conversation with them, it’s the total opposite. This mediocre attitude is a thief. It’s a thief of goals and dreams.
I get it. You don’t want to seem greedy, or selfish, so you don’t want to dream to big. You’re afraid to ask for too much. Who decides what’s too much? A lot of people say “I just want enough to pay my bills.” That’s speaking mediocrity. Think about how many people you could help if you did have abundance! God wants to give us life more abundantly. So go for it!! Don’t be afraid to dream beyond your wildest dreams!  Just because it’s beyond your dreams, does not mean it’s above God’s goal for your life! What goals and dreams have you given up on because you’re afraid that it’s just “too big”? You can’t out think or out dream God.
I’ve always had a desire to write. I’ve always loved reading and writing. Over the years I’ve started and never finished a few books. I didn’t think I could do it. It was hard, I was busy, and I was married with 3 kids and a full time job. But guess what? All of those are excuses to stay in mediocrity. It’s still hard, I’m still busy, and I still have 3 kids. Being a single mom is way harder than being married. And I’m writing a book. I stopped settling where I had resigned myself to be because it was easy. I knew that was not my purpose. I talked myself into believing that having food, a house and enough money to pay my bills was enough. It wasn’t enough, not by a long shot. I started feeling restless and couldn’t figure out why. I prayed about it and God said –write. I was like write what? Being a Life Coach, I’ve helped people deal with all kinds of issues. When God told me to use that knowledge to write a book, I was hesitant at first. It was scary! But, I faced my fear,  and I’m almost finish with my first book, and I have ideas for 2 more books already!! I’m being obedient to God and I do have big goals and dreams and even if I don’t become the next Stephen King or Tom Clancy. I am an author, and I’m writing. God has already opened doors and will continue to open doors that no man can shut.
My challenge to you is this. When you feel “less than”, don’t settle on mediocrity in your life. Think about what it is you desire the most for your life. Make a plan and go for it!! Ask God for big things, and then expect Him to answer!! My Pastor always says to get something you don't have, you have to do something you've never done. 

John 10:10 – A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than ever dreamed of. (The Message Bible).