Storms are a part of life. We all experience difficulties. How do you react to them? Do you trust God to get your through it? Do you want to go through life without any challenges? You can’t grow without challenges. The storm is not what takes you out. It’s your reaction to the storm. Some people feel that once you become Christian, you never have issues and your life is a perfect dream come true. That of course is not reality at all. How can you learn to trust God and have faith in him if He gives you everything you want as soon as you ask for it? There’s a reason He doesn’t give you everything. It may not be good for you. It may be dangerous. He might be working some things out within you. If you can’t trust God to know what’s best for you, who can you trust? When I have an issue and I worry and get upset and anxious – I’m telling God that I don’t have enough faith in Him and his Word. That’s really not true, but when our emotions are involved we don’t think about that. All we care about is, I’m not getting what I want and I want it! He knows what’s best for you. Sometimes it’s so much easier to try and control the situation, but what we have to recognize is that God will never leave you or forsake you. Can anyone else in your life make a promise like that?
Charletta Adams is a writer and Professional Life Coach. She posts blogs on