Another year is coming to a close. I have to say that I’m
not sad about that. This year has been filled with major hills and valleys. I’m
so thankful though that even in the midst of the worst times this year; I never
stopped speaking to God. Even when I was mad at Him because I didn’t understand
what was happening. He wasn’t giving me
what I wanted when I wanted it. My spiritual growth this year has been quite
exceptional. I had a lot of trials and tribulations and wanted to give up
countless times. I’ve cried way more than my share of tears. Frustration,
discouragement and not being patient held me back quite a bit. God has put many
promises in me, some of them a few years ago, and some this year. Well the
promises weren’t coming to fruition when I expected them too. So I would get
upset and get completely discouraged. What I had to learn and I did the hard
way, is that God’s promises are yes and amen, but also that His timing is
perfect timing. If God puts a promise in you- He will not go back on His word.
Numbers 23:19(NLT) says God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human,
so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he
ever promised and not carried it through?
The problem I had believed that the promises could actually
come to pass. Did I trust God enough? The answer was no. I believed in Him and
me, but I was having a problem fully trusting Him because it wasn’t happening
when I wanted and how I wanted. I let myself believe that God wasn’t listening.
Fast forward to now. I look back over the year and in every situation, where I
doubted or questioned Hi, once I fully let go and trusted Him- he delivered. It
wasn’t always what I wanted, but it was always what was best for me. Because I
never quit talking to Him, the Holy Spirit led me and I’ve accomplished things
that I didn’t think I could, and things are moving forward. 2013 is going to be
an epic and exciting year and I can’t wait! I can’t thank God enough for not giving
me everything the minute I asked. I wouldn’t be as strong as I am now.